Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Task 1- notes on the documents

Coursework Brief
Target audience similar to E4.
 Demographic (15-35) suitable for pre-watershed broadcasting.
 Produce opening scenes of TV programme. These include Narrative themes, characters and location
Approx two minutes long.

General Advice & Guidance 
MEST2 is the AS coursework module and is worth 50% of the AS award.

A Coursework Folder will contain:5-6 A4 pages of research and planning material. This could include a 'statement of intent'.

The products created for the two selected tasks: Printouts of print work and/or
A DVD containing moving image work (playable on a domestic DVD) and/or
A disc or pen drive containing an audio file (mp3) if possible and/or
 A disc or pen drive containing the e-media work (converted to open in a browser) and/or- A URL giving access to moving image and/or audio and/or e-media work.
A 1500 word evaluation.
 A bibliography.

Specific Guidance for 2013 BriefsCould a narrower audience group be identified within the 15-35 age group?
How should the audience be addressed? What do they respond to?
What type of texts does E4 typically broadcast before the watershed (what rules must they work within)?
Is there a gap in the market?
Is there a format/genre that could be developed further for this broadcast slot?

Mark Scheme:
80 marks in total.

Assessment Objectives:
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding when analysing media products and processes and evaluating their own practical work, to show how meanings and responses are created.AO3 Demonstrate the ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.
AO4 Demonstrate the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research.

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