Plan B's beliefs are that kids or people in general who live on estates are associated with the word 'chav' which means society does not have any concern whatsoever for these citizens in urban areas "council house and violent". Due to the stereotypical ideologies of youths living in council estates, this is what Plan B thinks 'chav' now means.
Plan B also quotes that this its not exceptable for society to look upon others, living in poor conditions and lifestyle than themselves. Plan B feels that newspapers keep on showing articles which highlights the problems with the youth but they are exaggerating the bad points and stereotyping all youths to what they think they do from the past. The kids go through a lot growing up with no support and expect their neighborhood friends and Ben Drew knows how this is as he was once in this position so therefore, Plan B understands what these kids from these background have been through and feels society just aviods these kind of people who come from dysfunctional families as they are stereotyping them with bad ideologies.
Ben Drew was targeting the elder demographic as the audience becuase he feels they would benefit more from this leacture then the younger demographic. This is to show elder people, that are mostly to label youths, that they should not be sterotype the youth just by the media and someones personal experience. Ben Drew is also making an important statement which is that people should not believe everything they read in newspapers as they do tend to exaggerate points and leave things out in order to make dominant, ideologies stay dominant. this is known as moral panic.
The audience, in terms of psychographics, would bereformers. This would also be aimed at . becuase they are social conscience and as they would want to change the way different stereotypes are represented.
2. What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics?
Plan B status that 'media demonises the youth' which portrays that the media leaves out the positive things about the youths and present them negatively. He Aslo stated, people are too naive in believing everything that the media says is true. Plan B does not like the way that the media portrays these kids who live on council estates as they have been born into a world where they have been living in bad conditions with dysfunctional families and then on top of this are being stereotyped with a bad name This is what Plan B thinks 'chav' now means due to the stereotypical ideologies of youths living in council estates. The media use this stereotype in order to create moral panics so that they read their newspapers. This therefore makes this opinion not really theirs however as they are kept on told this, it starts to make an impression on them therefore beginning to believe it.
Relating to Stanley Cohen, a moral panic occurs "When a person or group of persons emeges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests". Those who start the panic when they fear a threat to prevailing social or cultural values are known by researchers as 'moral entrepreneurs', while people who supposedly threaten the social order have been described as "folk devils". Moral panics have certain distinct features such as concern. There must be some sort of awareness that the behaviour of the group or category is associated with some kind of negative impact on society.
II'I Manor Website
The website I'II manor follows the code and conventions. On the first slide is a shot extract of the movie which is significant because it summarises the movie for people who have not yet watched it and are interested in the narrative. Firstly it states 'We are all products of our environment. Some environments are just harder to survive in'. This drews the audience as it portrays the idea that the fact that everyone is equal, and belong to society however everyone was socialised and raised in a different enviorment.
The second after is about the director Ben Drew. Ben drew mentions that he :' "My reason for making this film is to show that there is a lot we can learn when we know all the facts; when we explain the why – not just the 'what' and 'how'. This film is a chance for me to delve into the roots of these problems and show the public things that they may not have known, where these problems start, the domino effect that they have within people's lives and how we get to the gory end results that we end up reading about in the papers." The speech from Ben Drew is realy had an impact audiences attention because hes talking about his own experience during his childhood. Many audiences will be intrigued into watching this film/ reading about what Ben Drew has got to say because they can relate it to their own lifes.
The third slide contains pictures of some scenes from the movie. It introduces the main characters. This is important as the audience may know some of the character's which would enages them into wanting to watch the film.
The fourth slide you can view video's of meeting the cast, This contains the main character talking about their experience during each scene, and Plan B official forest tour video. this grabs the audiences attention as it gives us a taster about Ben Drew's work. the fifth slide is all about advertising and marketings its Film.
Then the 6th slide contains two e-mails for twitter and facebook. This is for sociable people who wants to comment/subscribe. There's the album for anyone who is interested in listeing to Plan B's music. This is beneficial for people as well as Plan B, because it gives audience the opportunity to add their comments which is an advantage for Plan B/Ben as he get, from the audiences, feedbacks and opinions.
3. Broadcast, Print and E-Media - ILL MANORS
The E-Media would be the website to Ill Manors which is the link above. The website lets the audience explore and find information about the film, characters and director etc. This is useful as E-Media is a popular source(social network) that most of the target audience (young teenagers) go on therefore the film would become more recognisable and more people would be aware. The fact that everyone is on the web makes advertising quite easy as it can be a cheap way to promote your idea or production.Another important part of e-media is the fact that most users go online; on the web; in order for social network sites. Millions of people daily visit site such as Facebook and twitter that advertising on sites likes these could make a huge different in terms of the income produced as well as profits. I'll Manors have taken this to their advantage by having both Facebook and twitter page were fans of the film can share their thoughts to others and others can find out more about the production. It also helps to promote the film (as the film is aired in the cinema's and the DVD) as well as the ill manors soundtrack.
This is another type of print advert poster III manor have made for promotion. Firstly, The line on the top is quite a bold, hard hitting line reading '...we are all products of our environments are just harder to survive in'. This is the case as it suggests violence and conflict in terms of the narrative of the film as it implies that the main character(s) live in an environment which is rough and hard to survive in. It also suggests that it not a movie about rich, upper class people, but in fact the complete opposite; working class estate youths and gangs.
Ill Manors is promoted through certain advertising aspects, such as print promotional posters. The poster shown above is an example of an Ill Manors poster which was placed up in order to gain a large audience to watch the film. It consists of images of the main characters, release date, actors names, a quote from a popular magazine along with stars (ratings). The print in terms of adverting can be important due to the fact that; if put in the right place; can attract loads of attension and exposure for the production. By the adverting poster for ill manors being quite bright however sticking to a colour scheme of red and black, it sort of stands out as red juxtaposes the black. On the other hand, this could not be that case as it may be too less colour and therefore may not grab a viewers attension at all.
Broadcast DVD
The Other types of promotions for III Manors is broadcasting, such as DVD. In the III Manors website it has a link where the audience can see where they can purchase the DvD of the film from. This is essential as it helps the movie to be more spread and to be more successful when it comes down to the movie industry and profit. The printed image on the cover of the DVD and CD is the same image as the main poster with the young male character introduced holding a gun which suggest its genre, urban crime drama. As its the DVD not the same information is printed on the image like the print ad or E- media as they have different aspects and purposes.
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