- Media Forms: What techniques does the ad use to persuade the audience to consume the Guardian?
- Representation: How is the news represented in the ad?
- Media Institution: What issues of new technology does this ad raise and what does it tell us about the values of The Guardian?
The media institutions raise new technology towards the audience informing them how technology has developed during the years for example the social networking sites and the use of networking sites have become a great advantage to advertise products viral and fast. The advert tells us that the Guardian newspaper is a good newspaper to receive all the best news quick and to make their audience know what is happening around the world. It is an advantage for Also, they need to have developed technology as a larger audience would get attracted. Also, in the advert it shows people viewing the news on The Guardian website and it shows a club broadcasted on YouTube which clearly conveys that new technology is becoming more popular with people
- Audience: On the basis of this ad, who does the Guardian brand appeal to?
The text establishes the genre of trailer by the mise en scene used, the colours, fast transitions are fast paced which relate to the male audience as they like fast, action/adventure games which appeal to them.
The representation portrayed about was is very clear by the animated characters in the trailer, the animated characters show props of guns, explosions, trucks etc. and the characters running around shooting enemies. It lets the audience create an image of how war can be and how horrible, negative it could be.
The trailer is typical of a video game industry through the
graphics as normally in a trailer it would either be animations or filming
actual people. Also, there are important information shown at the end of
trailer which is common such as the release date for the game which allows the
audience to know when the game will be available for them to buy.
The male audience would be much interested in a action/adventure genre as they would like to see lots of action and adventurous things. The trailer shows what the male audience would be able to do in the game which they would like to play in a game.
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