The film poster of Jennifer’s body is in dark grey, red, black and white colour scheme. These colours are very dark which signifies it’s a horror genre. The colour red however could connote danger or murder. Dark nature is also connoted as the shade of grey and black in particular are very dull and almost has a ‘dirty’ appearance to them. Jennifer; the only character shown in the poster is wearing a red top and red high heels. She is represented as a hot school girl that everybody want to be with. Her facial expression looks innocent but cheeky and violent at the same time which also represents her as those lucky teenagers that gets away with everything evil they do because of their cheeky smile.
Jennifer is the main character in the film. The image is very attractive young lady that is wearing a very short skirt; showing plenty of cleavage which attracts mostly male audience although it will get females attention as well. She is holding her school books tightly pressed down towards her chest which connotes that she enjoys school and is interested in learning. This represents her as a clever and smart young girl. However under where she is setting, she appears to be setting on top of someone’s hand. This tells us a little bit about Jennifer’s role and status in class and a possibility of her being evil and violent towards her class mates as she is setting on someone’s hand and trapping them inside when they are desperately wanting to escape out under there. This is iconography of the horror genre. And also represents her in a very negative way as she is hurting someone’s hand which could connotes that she is ‘evil’.
Although there is a chair next where she is setting, she decides to set on the table which tells us that she is very cheeky and also could connotes that she has a high status among other class members.
The text promotes the film ‘Jennifer’s body’ tells us that her ‘body’ must be special and unique from other female body’s. The tagline ‘she’s evil...and not just high school evil’ connotes that she is not like normal high school girls that are ‘evil’ -taking your lunch pack, bulling you or pushing you down the stairs but worse. The word ‘evil’ means when causing harm or injury; harmful or an evil plan. This word is repeated twice in the poster which could signifies that she is seriously dangerous.
Another tagline used in this poster is ‘hell yes’ this is a much known saying used mostly by males to show someone is very attractive and eye catching. The tagline is written on a blackboard which is at the back of Jennifer, it seems like she knows is there because of how confident she is and also her direct address to the camera. However it could also connote that she is very dangerous as hell is very hot. This tells us that the genre is going to be a horror as hell is very frightening and scary.
The poster is aimed at adult age 18 and over because of the main image used for the poster. It looks like it’s for people that are fully mature and grown up due to the main image which is very sexy and show’s plenty of flesh.
Generally, the poster doesn’t give many clues about the film however it does give away the genre just by looking at the colour scheme used in the poster and also the poster attract the audience by the main image; picture of Jennifer’s body which is very attractive in particularly for male audience due to the amount of flesh she is revealing in the main image.
Overall the poster is not a very effective film promotional method as subtle narrative clues are given about the film itself but the audience is given more genre clues due to the taglines and colour scheme used. However the poster is very simple given away only the film genre and leaving us questioning on what the film is going to be about because not much is told on the film poster.
WWW: Intelligent analysis, demonstrating good understanding of techniques used and their likely purpose.
ReplyDeleteEBI: Include a section where you include ideas about narrative: likely disequilibrium/disruption (Todorov), character roles (Propp), possible binary oppositions (Levi Strauss).
the likely disruption could involve villence within classmates which creates a disequilibrium on what might happen at the end of the film, the villain, which is jennifier, the main character, she could be her downfall towards the end. Possible binary oppostion could be purity Vs corruption.