Thursday, 29 November 2012
Initail thoughts
Our idea and thoughts so far
Working with: Naima, Maram and Jinan.
Genre: Urban Teen dramma and some elements of romance.
Story line : Two girls characters and One boy. Two best friends friendship get distroyed from a stranger ( a guy).
Friday, 23 November 2012
7 Pyschographics segmentation
Marks&spencer Adv 2012
Mainstreamers: This group is usually the largest group which most people follow. They are concerned with stability and security, mainly buying 'well-recognised brands and consuming mainstream text. seek security, tend to be domestic, conformist conventional , sentimental. According to the socio-economic groups, this advert will most likely be target the 'B' group. these people for example may be: middle management,teachers, creative and media people, for example : graphic , designers etc. in my opinion, i don't think would buy from pound store, Tesco's or Asda but would shop from places like Marks and Spencer's and wait rose which are more higher compared to the rest.
L'Oreal Foundation Advert 2012
Aspirers: are seeking to improve themselves. Aspirer seek status which means they have strong ambitions and want to succeed. This advert would appeal to the psycho graphic group of 'aspires as they tend to define themselves by the high status brand names which they own and consume, absorbing the ideologies of the products as their own and believing that their status is established by the conspicuous consumption. They are very materialistic This advert is an advert for l'oreal foundation which can target these people because they are most likely to see the packaging see the models skin which looks flawless and buy it without thinking this advert can be airbrushed. The reason why this fits into this category is because aspirer want to improve themselves into someone better ( lookwise). Moreover, I researched the characteristics of an 'aspirer' and one point it made was, individuals who pay attention to their appearance and is fashionable/trendy. This point is suitable for this advert as it is promoting hair dye which is associated with appearance (looking good) therefore it would appeal to 'aspirers'.
John Lewis 2012 christmas Ad
Succeders: these are people that feel secure and in control- generally, they are in position of power, although they may not be. They buy brands which reinforce their feelings of control and power. This group are people who seek control, typically higher and management and professionals. this advert would most likely to suite this group because they want their power clash with their apperance, expensive high quality clothes. As they have full control they want to be better then the rest. I think this advert appeals to this psycho graphic group, because clearly the advert is promoting the brand new car to people who are wealthy (have a high management job) which is typically associated with succeeder's as they are individualise who have climbed up the social ladder.
Fair tarde chocolate Advert
Reformers: Are idealist who actively consume eco-friendly product and buy brands which are environmentally supportive and healthy. They buy products which establish their 'caring responsible' ideology. These are the people who seek enlightening, freedom of restrictions and personal growth , has attended higher education and selects products for quality. This advert is adversing chocolate coffee from fair trade which means the farmers back in Africa get equal pay which is supportive and are treated fairly. I think this advert would appeal to reformers because, they are known as actively consuming eco-friendly products and this advert highlights that from the price; as it is cheap. Also, they buy products which establish this 'caring and responsible' ideology, and this is shown in this fair trade chocolate advert.
Shreddies Cereal Adv
Resigned : This group will be people who seek survival, are rigid and have authoritarian values, interested in the past and tradition and are typically older people. this advert is for more older audience.This group are the people who don't like change and want everything to be back to how it was back in the past. they are usually old people so they would probably be in the 'lower class' according to the social class system.The reason why I chose this advert for the psycho graphic group of 'resigned' is because, one thing they are interested in is tradition and this advert highlights that, from the different stages of an individual life; born, education, marriage, having a family. Also, 'resigned' are typically for older people, therefore this advert would be suitable for people in their late 40's+ or even elderly.
Sports Direct adv
Struggler's: These people are usually people that seek escape, few resources beyond physical skills, buy alcohol , junk food , lottery ticket. Also Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation.This group of people would target the D and E category. The D and E people are people who are semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers , unemployed, students, pensioners and casual workers. I think this advert appeals to the psycho graphic group of 'Struggler' due to several reasons. Firstly, 'struggler' seek for escape.This links under the category of a 'struggler' because, it conveys how teenagers can be easily influenced.
Gucci Adv 2012
Explorers : These people who come under this category are usually people that seek discovery, their the first to try new brands, younger demographic students. The Explorer is a relatively new segment of society. Many feel these are the children of parents who were teens and twenty-something. This Gucci advert is a brand perfume, it is most likely to be good quality which would impress the buyers. i believe these people would be from the ' higher- middle class people according to the class system because their the ones who usually finish higher education and get a degree.
What type of psycho graphic group am I?
if i had to put myself into one of these 7 psycho graphic segmentation then i would be in the explorer'
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Action Film - Analysing Narrative Theories.
Action Film - Analysis of Narrative Theories
The film i have chosen to do is 'fast and furious 5' that was released in 2011 and the genre of this film is action. the narrative of the film is mainly about Director Justin Lin returns to the helm for this adrenaline-charged sequel reuniting series stars Vin Diesel and Paul Walker for their biggest thrill ride yet.With the police in hot pursuit and wanted fugitive Dom in tow, Brian and Mia make their way to Rio, and realize they've run out of luck.
Firstly, the narrative pattern for this film is linear which conveys a chronological sequence beginning, middle and end. This portrays, a typical narrative pattern for any film, according to theorist 'Todorov' as it follows three stages and this is highlighted in 'This Means War'. The first stage is, 'Equilibrium' which shows everything is balanced and there is harmony (introduction to the characters). Second stage is 'Disequilibrium' (middle) conveying the beginning is disrupted by an unfortunate event or an evil character which leads to a chain of event involving character. In this film, the disequilibrium is when both best friends find out they are dating the same girl, causing jealously between them. Final stage is 'New Equilibrium' which means the evil is defeated or the conflict is resolved and harmony exist once more.
The theorist Vladimir Props believes that different characters highlight different roles in films. for example Vladimir Props believes that the villain creates a complication in the narrative the donor gives the hero something that will help the resolution, the help helps the hero in restoring the resolution, the princess has to be saved by the hero, the dispatcher sends the hero on a task, and the false hero appears to be good however his real identity is revealed during the end. This links to the movie Taken, as the story follows Vladimir Prop's theory.
levi-strauss. This theory is about binary oppositions for example, the director uses this to contrast the hero and villain. Props narrative theory focuses on seven character types and he argues that some of them are associated in every films. He came up with this theory, when he was studying folks tales and legends from many different countries and noticed all the characters tended to be similar.
The film i have chosen to do is 'fast and furious 5' that was released in 2011 and the genre of this film is action. the narrative of the film is mainly about Director Justin Lin returns to the helm for this adrenaline-charged sequel reuniting series stars Vin Diesel and Paul Walker for their biggest thrill ride yet.With the police in hot pursuit and wanted fugitive Dom in tow, Brian and Mia make their way to Rio, and realize they've run out of luck.
Firstly, the narrative pattern for this film is linear which conveys a chronological sequence beginning, middle and end. This portrays, a typical narrative pattern for any film, according to theorist 'Todorov' as it follows three stages and this is highlighted in 'This Means War'. The first stage is, 'Equilibrium' which shows everything is balanced and there is harmony (introduction to the characters). Second stage is 'Disequilibrium' (middle) conveying the beginning is disrupted by an unfortunate event or an evil character which leads to a chain of event involving character. In this film, the disequilibrium is when both best friends find out they are dating the same girl, causing jealously between them. Final stage is 'New Equilibrium' which means the evil is defeated or the conflict is resolved and harmony exist once more.
The theorist Vladimir Props believes that different characters highlight different roles in films. for example Vladimir Props believes that the villain creates a complication in the narrative the donor gives the hero something that will help the resolution, the help helps the hero in restoring the resolution, the princess has to be saved by the hero, the dispatcher sends the hero on a task, and the false hero appears to be good however his real identity is revealed during the end. This links to the movie Taken, as the story follows Vladimir Prop's theory.
levi-strauss. This theory is about binary oppositions for example, the director uses this to contrast the hero and villain. Props narrative theory focuses on seven character types and he argues that some of them are associated in every films. He came up with this theory, when he was studying folks tales and legends from many different countries and noticed all the characters tended to be similar.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Different Gender advertising
How products are gendered through advertising

A diving watch- this advert is aimed at males due to the colours which are dull which could connotes who this advert is aimed at and its gendered through advertising as the colours are strong just like how mens are, tough and strong however, this also could be aimed at females for example, the female would like to buy this as a present for her boyfriend,husband etc. the way this diving watch would appeal to the opposite gender is by getting a female model to hold the watch almst excited as if she is taking it for her boyfriend/husband as a present.

Toilet paper- this advert is mostly aimed at female as they are incharge of the house at home and are more likely to buy these products. These also could be aimed at other gender. for examle, a single parent ( father) would be interested in this advert as he would be looking for the best price and offer for toilet papers.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Fish Tank Review
Summary of the Film ; Mia Williams (played by Katie Jarvis) is a troubled 15-year-old who has lived a hard life. She lives on an East London council estate with her single mother, Joanne, and younger sister, Tyler, and is highly aggressive toward both of them. Mia Williams dream is to become a dancer professionally but no support from her mum. However her mums boyfriend, Connor O'Reily (Played by Michael Fassbender), who is very fond of her, some may think he was trying to take advantage of her by being supportive. However he then has sex with her. Mia Williams then finds out that her lover and mums boyfriend has a wife and a daughter. This then aggravates the troubled teenager who then kidnaps the daughter, then later on returning her only to be found out by Connor O’Reily. She then shows up to her dancing audition realising it is a job for a pole dancer, she then leaves as it was not what she had thought it would have been. Mia Williams then makes her dramatic exit with her friend Liam (Jason Maza), as she leaves for Scotland to start a new life.
The director of Fish Tank was Andrea Arnold, who was born on the 5th of April 196. She is an Academy award winning filmmaker and former actress from England, who made her trademark film in 2006 with Red Road. After retiring from her career as a television presenter Andrea Arnold studied directing at the prestigious AFI Conservatory in Los Angeles and trained in screenwriting at the PAL Labs in Kent. Andrea Arnold early short films included Milk (1998) and Dog (2001). She won the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film for Wasp, in 2005. She was also named a Screen International Star of Tomorrow.The two main characters of the movie were Katie Jarvis (female character) and Michael Fassbender (male character). Katie Jarvis was seen by a casting agent working for director Andrea Arnold at Tilbury Town railway station in Tilbury, Essex, following an argument with her boyfriend, Brian. She was then approached by the casting agent and at first did not believe she was being cast for a film and refused to hand over her phone number. She then eventually took a number and called it. She was then casted in Andrea Arnold's film, Fish Tank, following a successful audition. This was despite having no previous acting experience. Michael Fassbender is most is well-known for three roles, having played Lieutenant Archie Hicox, in Inglourious Basterds (2009), Magneto, in X-Men (2011) and the android David, In Prometheus (2012).
The genre of Fish Tank was, coming of age, Indie and Drama. My expectations of the Film were that the main character Mia Williams (Katie Jarvis) would live her dream and become famous dancer. However that was not the case as the film was trying to tell us that dreams do not always come true in reality. This would relate back to how Katie Jarvis actually got the role for fish tank. My other expectation of the film was that the Mother and the daughter would end on good terms which they did. I think the mood of the film was sad for most of the film but however the mood changed towards the end of the film as she left to start a new life. I think the mood of the film was sad as Mia Williams had lived a hard life and is a troubled teenager who has no support from her single mum. I noticed the sound track for Fish Tank when, Connor O'Reily (Michael Fassbender) played it from his car in attempt to educate Mia Williams (Katie Jarvis), who then started to dance to the song. My opinion of the soundtrack was, it seemed to be a relaxing sound and not really one you would dance to as Mia Williams did in her dance audition. I think the sound track created atmosphere when Mia Williams was auditioning for the dance role, as she knew she had made a wrong judgement on the job. Fish tank Target audinece, i think is aimed at teenagers and young adults because they can understand the storyline and feel the emotions of the characters. I also think Fish Tank is aimed at teenagers as the language that is used and the sex scenes that are shown in the film. I would recommend Fish Tank to others as it connotes to the viewers that most dreams do not come true in reality, as they are shown in traditional Hollywood movies. I would also recommend this film to others as it shows how some peoples lives are unfortunately like Mia Williams family in Fish Tank. The reason why this film is aimed at the younger generation in order to make them appreciate what they've got compared to others of the same age. It allows them, to empathize for them and possibly take action and help others out who are less fortunate than us. The main characters allow this to go ahead as Mia is a teenager who lives with her mother and younger sister in a council flat in Essex.
To conclude, "Fish Tank" is a film made for a purpose, and this is to make teenagers of the same age of the main character (Mia) feel empathy and therefore attempts to make them appreciate what they have. Also it may result in them wanting to help out others or make them less ungrateful in terms of what they possess. I personally did not like the story line of the movie although it's message which it sents out is strong and therefore does make you think regardless of whether you liked the story line or not.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Research on the Film : FISH TANK
Research on the Film- FISH TANK
All the Institutions involved in the production of Fish Tank. List them with a summary of what their contribution to the film was.
The institutions which are involved in the production of Fish Tank are UK Film Council, BBC Films, Kasander Film Company, which is distributed by IFC Films.
Two other Independent British Film production companies – their “brand”, as well as current and previous productions.
Working Title Films:
Working Title Films is a British film production company and its is one of the UK’s most highly regarded production outfits that’s enjoyed success across film. its based in London. The company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in 1983. It produces feature films and several television productions, including films starring comic actor Rowan Atkinson. Eric Fellner and Bevan are now the co-owners of the company.
PolyGram Filmed Entertainment:
PolyGram Filmed Entertainment (PFE) was a film studio, founded in 1980, which became a European competitor to Hollywood, but eventually sold to Universal Pictures in 1998 and folded in 1999.
Among its most successful films were Four Weddings and a Funeral ,Dead Man Walking ,Fargo,Trainspotting and have also created Notting Hill.
Out of the three Production Companies you have researched, which do you see as most successful and why?
Out of the three Production Companies I have research, In my opinion, I think BBC films it the most successful of them all. It has produced some of the most successful British films in the recent years For example, Swimmer and The Running Jump and these films have been successful. Moreover, It produced, eight films a year and works with major international and UK distributors. Which is beneficial to them as they are getting more help and ideas, from different major international companies which gives them a greater chance for success.
How much Fish Tank cost to produce (it’s budget)
$3 Million was the budget.
Film budgets – find 5 films made for £5 million pounds or less – what types of films are feasible on this budget?
The film Rocky and the budget was $1 million. The film Open water was made in 2004 with the budget $5 million. The inbetweeners movie was released in 2011 and the budget was $5.3 million.The science of sleep was released in 2006 and the budget was $6 million.
How was Fish Tank funded?
Fish Tank was funded by the UK film council and BBC films.
Research one other way that British films are funded. Are there any similarities or differences? - The BFI is now the lead body for film in the UK which includes a role as a lottery distributor, with responsibility for funding film development and production; training; distribution and exhibition; supporting film UK-wide; film certification, the Cultural Test and co-production; strategic development; industry research and statistics; and the MEDIA Desk UK. The role of the British Film Commission in encouraging inward investment work transfers to Film London.
What is the target audience for Fish Tank?
The target audience for Fish Tank would be mostly Teenagers to young adults, as everything is based around the woman and how she deals with things being a teenager.however it may have a small young teenage male audience aswel.
Research the mainstream 16–25 youth cinema market and decide which 3 genres are most targeted at them and justify your decisions with your research.
The three genres that are most targeted at 16-25 year old and would prefer to watch are comedy, romance or horror films.
Firstly, comedy genre as they are young and the comedy which are shown today are more suited for their audience, so they are more likely to watch the comedy films.
Secondly, Romance; teenagers to young adults would tend to watch romantic films as they are into and interested in relationships and are at this perticular stage where they want to watch it with their Boyfriend or Girlfriends. The romantic films which are in today are very mainstream e.g Vow and the latest ones that follow on from that.
Lastly, horror most of them would prefer this as when they have a sleep overs with their friends they want to watch something frightening and enjoy themselves, and in most of the horror films teenagers star in them which draws them into watching more.
Who is the main distributor of Fish Tank?
The main distributors were, Articifical Eye, MK2 Diffusion, Nuptopia Entertainment, Syrena Films, Alta Films, Canana Films, Film1, IFC Films, Mongrel Media and SP films.
What is the role of a film distributor? Are there any differences between distribution in the US and UK?
A film distributor is a company responsible for the marketing of a film. The distributor may set the release date of a film and the method by which a film is to be exhibited or made available for viewing. this plays a huge role in the film's succes.The film distributor control the marketing and circulation of movies in theatres.
Some differences, for example, the low budget films wouldn't have very big distributors were as US films would have international distributors as it would be a more higher budget.
How was Fish Tank promoted (when it was released in 2009)?
Fish Tank was promoted at 62nd Cannes film festival in France, May 14, 2009.
Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?
Films in Big blockbuster are in bigger cities and are promoted in these urban areas, and would increase their fans as they would show examination and preview from their film more often.The Big blockbuster and the fish tank both would advertise it. however, the contrast is blockbuster films would go mainstream and more audiences would be engaged. Where a small film wouldn't be attractive as its won't be show cased a lot, and this Film would be unknown by a plurality of people.
How does the trailer for Fish Tank hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer? Identify 3 ways/techniques
The trailer is very engagging as it has number of montage editing with contrast shots attracting the audiences attention. We see the point of view for the female fatale, and what she goes through and how she reacts. The lighting used is also engagging. Low key lighting is used, which shapes extreme shadows and connotes darkness, sadness and fear. The effect this has on the audience is that it makes them indulged and sort of confused as we want to know what exactly is going on. This therefore creates enigma codes. As the audience we want to sort the pizzul - who, when, why and how the problem was caused. This draws the audinece attention and want to go and watch the movie to get answers for thei questions.
Analyse the trailers for 2 different films (from different genres). Are there any differences in the way they hook the audience into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer? Identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.
Paranormal Activity 4:
Paranormal Activity is a horror based films suited for teenagers to young adults, the way they capture their audience is showing the scary scenes which builds their expectations high when they go to see the film. Also the use of low-key lighting is strong as it connotes the darkness and scary side to things. Also we are in the main characters shoes we are identifying with her why this boy is acting strange and it also creates enigma codes as what we are wondering he is doing. This poses the questions for the audiences and helps build the narrative clearer and stronger.
Taken 2 is a action drama crime film and they show the various of scenes which creates enigma codes. As the questions which are being rised we are thinking about it too. The target audience is young teengers and adults audiences and they exceed in capturing their attention as the song used builds up tention. this informs us about the narrative to which is very effective. And it therefore get's the audience thinking different things and of course if the outcome will be a positive one, as we know Bryan Mill will do what he does best.
How does the trailer for Fish Tank balance plot and spectacle?
It's memorable as the way the trailer is shown. By the effective use of lighting it's shown contrastively and grabs the audiences conception. Moreover, as her being the female fatale it's different, because it's not usually like this in other films made and different in society at the time. The things she says, her actions is unforgettable and predictable as in society today this is what typical teenagers say and do. This frames the story-line more as we see different aspects which gets us thinking.
How do the trailers for your other films balance plot and spectacle? Identify at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.
This portions the plot and spectacle by the purpose of the trailer, which is to attract the audience and to persuade them into going out and watching the film, The trailer trys to hock somethings into the audiences mind. This is done in both of the trailers by the lighting and its connotations, also by depicts the story line effectively and the contrast of variety camera shots and action with it. This
Think about the certificate of Fish Tank (15 certificate). Research film certification and outline what is deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
Depending on the Films themes/content , by the way the subject is treated, will be acceptable with classification decided. ( U, PG, 12A,12, 18, R18). Violence may be realistic but not gratuitous or focus on bloody injury.Violence also may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification. Disturbing images will only be permitted if justified by the context in which they are presented. Generally; horror in this category will be psychological in nature. Acts of sadism common to the genre are not permissible. Strong sex references may be acceptable at 15A. Scenes of a sexual nature may also be acceptable but will not be explicit or prolonged. Strong language is allowed at 15A. Frequent or aggressive use of these terms will have to be justified within the context of the piece.Scenes or dialogue relating to drugs may be acceptable in an appropriate context; but not if there is glamorization; instruction or encouragement as to use. Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.The differnce between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate : These are all the things that would be show cased in a 15 certificate, however in an 18 one things would be more explicit and prolonged. And is applicable for older viewers, as it could leave images in your head or young people can imitate what's being done in the film. So maturity is significant whilst watching a film, and that's why they have this.
Analysis of Media Production
Analysis of TWO Media Production
1.Best Year 12 Film Editing/Overall Production 2012
The beginning of the trailer is very typical, just like all the other trailers i have watched. The target audience for this trailer would probably be young teenagers to adult’s age between 15 to 26. The genre is based on a horror film. In this Production they have included the mise-en-scène. this is important for conveying meaning. An example where this is used is when the shot of the playground is shown at 0.08 with the exorcism song playing at the back. This affected me as it builds up more tension as the camera shot changed. This person uses diagetic sound. it also has includes different sharp camera shots which really creates the mood and atmosphere; also builds more suspense for the audience in making them more appealed in watching more of the trailer - By using the Mise-en-scene, it's creating a ‘realistic’ and constructed representation of the characters. this is done by using lighting. High key lighting mainly is used in this trailer to make it look more realistic, however at the beginning of this extract, low key lighting is used to highlight a shadow of the characters together. Different camera angle is used, mostly close up shots on both of the character faces, to convey their emotions as they look unhappy; it also changes the atmosphere as from the previous shot they are shown as being happy in each other company and now they are sad. 1:01 is a establishment/long shot, to show a change of scene. Also, at 1:06 medium close up is of both of the characters together conveying an intimate moment as they both look content and suspicious, with one another. the setting is shown in the first scene which gives the audience a little clue to what might be happening. These effects all combine to make the representation of the characters as effective, and sometimes as ‘real’ as possible for an audience.
2.Best Y12 Production Design 2012
The genre for this trailer would probably romance and horror based film. The target audience maybe between young adults and over. by the cinematography the person used to produce this trailer, we know the girl is the main character, the customs and props used in the extract tells us as the audience that she is in love and quite emotional. Even though the trailer only focused on three characters all through this trailer , it made me feel connected to them because it made me feel as if I could feel their pain and happiness during the trailer in some of their shots, when they were upset or happy due to the close up/medium shots the female and male characters faces; which really captures their emotions. They have used diegetic and non- diegetic sounds. however, the most effect sound used was diegetic as the phrase the main character was saying related to the genre of the film ( horror and romance). They have used high key lighting and low key lighting. however, Having the high- key lighting first is really effective because it straight away identifies who's in the film and what they want, it doesn't confuse the audience. The scene jumping from high-key lighting to low-key lighting is really effective as it shows the contrast between not only the scenes but the characters in the scenes and whether they're the hero's or the villains. They have the main title by itself in the same font as the rest of the writing which shows that just as the title the rest of the writing is just as important. The editing is used very wisely in the extract, the shots fades most of the time to one shot to the next. This gives enough time for the viewers to digest what’s been shown to them in this short amount of time.
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